• @0x4E4F
    7 months ago

    Yeah, you did… but that is not why we’re here, are we.

    My point is, US liberals like to say “oh yeah, the US is also bad, but take a look at what that guy is doing”… if the US minded their own business from time to time, I’m confident the world would be a much better place to live in.

    • 520
      17 months ago

      Sure. I’m also confident that if Russia did the same, it would also be a better place to live in too.

      I don’t deny the US does some incredibly messed up shit, hell I don’t deny that the US needs to be tried for war crimes, but that’s not justification for another country to do the same to a third country.

      • @0x4E4F
        7 months ago

        Actually, it is. If everyone respected the rules set by the UN, there would probably be no war crimes at all. But one side breaks them, then the other… it’s a slipery slope after that.

        • 520
          7 months ago

          No it’s not. It’s a shitty excuse. It’d be one thing if Russia was fighting an opponent who was also subjecting their people to war crimes en masse, but that isn’t what’s happening. This is just silly whataboutism, not a moral justification.

          • @0x4E4F
            17 months ago

            There is no moral justification from one side or the other. Everyone does things they’re not proud of. It’s just life. You do shit and live with the conseqences. Everyone does that, even heads of state and their partners. Why they do that? That’s a whole different question and depends on the pros and cons regarding that decision. My best guess is either power, money or political gain. Everyone does it, the US is no different.

            • 520
              17 months ago

              There is no moral justification from one side or the other.

              There is. Ukraine is acting in self defense.

              • @0x4E4F
                17 months ago

                Well, they kinda asked for it. They were told not to apply for NATO membership numerous times (this is the real reason why the war started… this and land, but mostly this). When you have a powerful neighbour like Russia, you can’t just do whatever you want. USA planting it’s ass in Russia’s back yard is not something you get to play with. Same thing, but reversed, was with the Cuban missile crisis, but Russia backed off.

                You don’t get to do whatever you want when you have powerfull neighbours.

                • 520
                  17 months ago

                  Well, they kinda asked for it. They were told not to apply for NATO membership numerous times (this is the real reason why the war started… this and land, but mostly this).

                  And Russia proved valid their reasons for doing so.

                  But jesus fucking christ, you call that a justification for a complete and total invasion?

                  That’s like blaming a rape victim because they wore revealing clothing.

                  • @0x4E4F
                    7 months ago

                    You don’t get to pick and choose your fights with powerful neighbours. We have a saying, power doesn’t pray to god. You have to avoid fights with someone who is 20 times your size. Those are just simple facts of life. A monkey doesn’t challenge a gorilla for it’s territory.