Shows about time travel are as old as well… time. But there’s only one that’s had thirteen different actors play the same lead character Doctor Who. And now we know when the Fourteenth Doctor will make their debut- hang on. He looks familiar…

That’s right, to celebrate 60 years of our favourite Timelord, David Tennant is back in the TARDIS. I could not be more excited, especially as he will be teaming up with Donna Noble (Catherine Tate) once again. Worryingly, I’ve officially reached the age where my childhood is classed as nostalgic

But enough about me, if you don’t have a TARDIS you need me to tell you when the three specials with the dream team will air, and strangely enough for Who fans, where.

  • val
    1 year ago

    Was going to come in here to say the same thing until I remembered what the modern Red Dwarf episodes are like.