• ikiru
    8 months ago

    First of all, what’s up with this title? I thought Zelensky fucking died.

    But the media was recently critical of Nazis in Ukraine until the current invasion. That includes BBC, Reuters, Guardian, and Telegraph just to name a few. Now they all pretend like it’s fake news, Russian propaganda. Haha

    And, as far as I know, Ukraine only started seeking NATO membership after the 2014 US-backed coup. (They first applied in 2008.) So, I don’t know if Ukraine, like the Scandinavian countries, didn’t actually have popular support to join NATO pre-2022 but it’d make sense if public opinion has now shifted.

    • davel [he/him]
      148 months ago

      Sorry sweaty, but pre-February 2022 Western media is fake news now.

    • @0x4E4F
      68 months ago

      It’s all politics… sympatheic about losses on both sides, but this could have all been avoided if they (UA) stepped down on the NATO deal.

      • ikiru
        108 months ago

        For sure, I agree with you.

        But I have to take back what I said, Ukraine started seeking NATO membership as early as 2008. Although it does seem that they started seeking NATO as a priority after Euromaidan.

        My point was that it’s doubtful to say they exercised their right as a country to freely decide whether to join NATO, especially if there was no major popular demand for it at the time, I’m sure it’s just coincidental that they sought NATO as a priority after a US-backed coup.

        • @0x4E4F
          58 months ago

          The coup as well… and other things… the US messes in politics with foreign countries way way too much. Russia does it as well, but not to that extent. I think Putin just got pissed about it and saw an oportunity to regain some of the land Russia lost when the USSR fell apart. The NATO thing was just the icing on the cake.

          The Cuban missile crisis was about the same thing, Russia planting it’s ass next to NATO. Russia did back down with the plan though. The US wasn’t ready to do that with Ukraine. They wanted a country right next to Russia.