• @crusa187@lemmy.ml
    438 months ago

    Typical Dem - bad at politics, abysmal messaging, just there to say “oops the repugs did it again, darn if only we could have raised more money and done something to stop them!”

    To Harris’ credit she has attempted to fight for women’s healthcare access, women’s inclusion in STEM, etc…she just sucks at telling anyone about it. And the rumors about how she treats her staff are super cringe if true.

    • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
      208 months ago

      It’s the perpetual double standard. Qualifications are important. So let’s talk about Trump and George W Bush. How were they in any way shape or form qualified? Bush didn’t even finish his national guard service. Trump doesn’t understand why soldiers die for their country. Both of those twats shouldn’t ‘qualify’ for president.

      • @crusa187@lemmy.ml
        78 months ago

        That’s part of what is so frustrating about Harris - she is qualified, but doesn’t make her case. Trump will straight up tell MAGA that only he can protect them from the deep state transing their kids, and they lap it right up.

        It’s just bizarre how bad Dems are at messaging…maybe they suffer from being in the Washington bubble and constantly being reassured they’re the greatest ever, I don’t know. This consistently hamstrings their party by failing to lead, and instead settling for “at least we’re not them.” Newsflash ya idgits - we’re all Americans.

        • GladiusB
          8 months ago

          That’s because the US is dysfunctional. Just like always looking for abusive relationships, when someone normal comes around we aren’t prepared because we are used to doing coke of a bare ass and then wrestling a grizzly.

          US politicians are about getting attention through shock and pushing the envelope because the people demand entertainment rather than what it should be about. Governing people and companies.

        • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
          48 months ago

          Unfortunately sir I don’t get to set the menu, only serve it up. Please speak with the DNC otherwise.

    • @Astroturfed@lemmy.world
      38 months ago

      She just seems like an awful person who has all the charisma of Hilary Clinton. Her poll numbers dropped the more people heard her speak in the primary for a reason. She had that one early moment she called Biden racist and it got her the VP slot.

      She has no business being a prominent politician. She’s unlikable, and has no platform or track record. Hopefully Biden survives his second term and she disappears into the shadows after she gets some of the lowest primary turn out you’ve ever seen for a VP in the next primary.

      • @vivadanang@lemm.ee
        -38 months ago

        Politics is full of awful people. JFC look at Trump, look at the entire GOP - it’s chuds like Jordan all the way down.

        Comparing Harris to Hillary Clinton honestly only elevates her in the eyes of prog libs and true believer dems. but cute whiney pout you got going there. She had an excellent track record in California, let’s talk about Trump’s track record lol. Or GWB’s service record.

        JFC just say you don’t like the lady because she’s a woman and she’s black, if you were honest with yourself instead of fabricating things to whine about I’d give you a modicum of respect. Your post reads like a best-of chuds post from the 2020 election.

        • @great_site_not@lemmy.world
          128 months ago

          In the 2020 primary, she got fewer votes than Andrew Yang in her own home state. Not extremely promising as far as electability.

        • v_krishna
          78 months ago

          Her track record in California is arresting parents for their kids being truant, and basically being a cop. I’d love to like her, I’m also half Indian and my kids went to the same elementary school as her but I’m really not a fan.