Are consumer level 3D printers able to print plastic objects of similar quality to ones produced using injection molding? Or is 3D printing useful mostly for the prototyping stage before a design is finalized and a steel mold is produced for injection molding?

  • @Ruthalas
    39 months ago

    This is very good information.

    To add another point, a few other differences: -Additive manufacturing (3d printing) can produce some shapes which are not possible using injection molding -Injection molding currently has access to a wider variety of materials due to its maturity (pelletized raw material)

      29 months ago

      Additive manufacturing (3d printing) can produce some shapes which are not possible using injection molding

      Agree. I was just thinking about this last night. The model I’m currently making would have to be multiple sub-components without 3D printing. Having everything as one piece, but still with a lot of air gaps, makes the finished product stronger.

      Injection molding currently has access to a wider variety of materials due to its maturity (pelletized raw material)

      There are pellet extruders, but generally agree that there’s a wider material selection available for injection molding.