Reading about FOSS philosophy, degoogling, becoming against corporations, and now a full-blown woke communist (like Linus Torvalds)

  • @mwguy
    -29 months ago

    The ideas are why it failed. Thats the core problem. Marx believed he could build in essence a church of Communism that would be incorruptible zealots who would lead society to Communism. A dictatorship of the proletariat led by an enlightened few who could teach and reeducate the masses to live in productive harmony with one another. And that, for many reasons, never works.

    • laxsill
      39 months ago

      Lmao source please? For the church/zealots-part. Also I don’t think you understood the concept of the dictatorship of the proletariat and the way Marx uses language to get his point across. Maybe you should read more secondary literature?

      • @mwguy
        19 months ago

        Specifically section 4 is the one that explicitly rejects democracy as it’s understood today. And it’s how Lenin interpreted the works too (below).

        For the church/zealots-part.

        Marx obviously didn’t see the correlations between his dictatorship of the proletariat and religious zealotry. But it should be obvious to the modern reader of his texts.

        • laxsill
          19 months ago

          I think this mostly proves that Marx text is above you, and that you read your own project of denigrating communism into the text.

          • @mwguy
            19 months ago

            At the end of the day. I’m the marginal person Communists need to convince to have a chance at implementation. The person who hears the principles of Communism and says, “yes that would be ideal” but looks at the implementation details of Communism and says “this is severely lacking.”

            You see me as denigrating Communism, but the mean person is not going to see me that way.