I’m not sure when it was written, but I ran across this list of the best science fiction and fantasy books this century, and I resonated with the ones I’ve read, so I thought I’d see what others thought of it. Have you read many of them?

  • @lvl13charlatan@lemmy.world
    79 months ago

    I’ve read or started to read 10 of them. I had a hard time getting into a Master of Djinn and didn’t finish. All Systems Red is fine but not great. I didn’t care for Name of the Wind or Binti. I loved Seveneves, The Fifth Season, and Ancillary Justice though.

    • AFK BRB ChocolateOP
      39 months ago

      I liked All Systems Red fairly well. Pretty quick read, not just because it’s a novella, but fun. Seveneves is great, and I loved American Gods. Windup Girl is really good. I’m not sure why I’ve never read Pattern Recognition; I’ve read a lot of Gibson and usually like his stuff a lot (but I hope someone wrestles the microphone away from him if he ever tries to do another audio book).

      • @seaQueue@lemmy.world
        29 months ago

        I really dig Bacigalupi’s world building in just about everything he’s written. I’d have loved more stories set in the world of The Water Knife and both of his stories in The Tangled Lands were great. I have The Windup Girl on my TBR list but haven’t gotten to it yet.

      • AFK BRB ChocolateOP
        29 months ago

        I liked it, but I get what you’re saying; the world really does warrant more exploration.