A very detailed article about the whole Meta (Instagram/Threads) vs. Fediverse discussions. It’s a long read, but well-worth it if you’re interested in the subject.

  • @tinselpar@feddit.nl
    31 year ago

    Not convinced by the e-mail analogy rebuttal. There are plenty of small e-mail providers thriving alongside the giants.

    Indeed. It’s a bit of fake news that the e-mail market is dominated by a handfull of big players. It’s enterely possible to self-host a small e-mail server and have to e-mail accepted without problems. Of course, don’t run and open relay, and make sure your reverse dns and DMARC and DKIM records are correct.

      • @tinselpar@feddit.nl
        1 year ago

        Well that’s annoying. The e-mail ending up in the spam folder is something that is determined on the receiving side though, so in this case your local government. I’m sure the big tech players, bad as they are, are not secretly intervening and intercepting your e-mail. Also, there is no guarantee that an e-mail send from Google will not end up in the spam folder either, not even when it it send by google’s ceo himself.