• UsefulInfoPlz
    710 months ago

    I’m concerned if he’s jailed, the nutbags will revolt and we’ll have a civil war. If he dies of natural causes, there’s a slim chance of avoiding that. The next challenge will be who the greater wack job is going to be looking to replace Trump

    • @rifugee@lemmy.world
      810 months ago

      After watching Jan 6th, I don’t think a civil war is on the horizon. Most people are too soft and comfortable. Hell, there was one lady that stormed the capitol, got maced, and then complained about it to a reporter. When she was asked why she stormed the capitol she said, “It’s a revolution, man!

      Also, you can’t really divide the country up geographically by left or right (more people in California voted for Trump than in almost every other state, for example). So, no, I’m not worried about a civil war.

      That being said, I don’t see the far-right disappearing anytime soon. There are powerful people that benefit too much by having our society divided, and it’s not just in the US where this is happening.

    • @Panurge987@lemmy.world
      10 months ago

      It won’t be a civil war. I think we’ll see a significant increase in acts of domestic terrorism against perceived Liberals in government (assassination attempts), Liberal communities, and Liberal businesses, and Liberal media outlets. I think it will sadly become our “new normal”. Oh, and if and when Trump dies of natural causes, his followers won’t accept it and they’ll instead believe he was killed by his political opponents. They’ll never believe in a million years that he died naturally.