Better have some off-season income though. Couldn’t store enough food and you can’t afford to feed your family otherwise, fuck you. Bad winter? fuck you. Crops blighted? fuck you. Unable to work due to injury? fuck you.
Don’t forget to pay your tribute, peasant, and don’t you dare go hunting or foraging on the king’s land.
Things were far from perfect, but there were solidarity inside the family (which was bigger than out nuclear families) and class solidarity in the community.
And peasants did legally hunt, they couldn’t everywhere, but it was a common practice.
I’m saying this more from the government perspective (the ones granting holidays). I’m sure people in communities helped each other out, but in the context of the idea presented by OP I seriously doubt that the average medieval peasant really had more leisure time than the average worker today, not if they wanted to eat all the way through to the spring thaw.
Better have some off-season income though. Couldn’t store enough food and you can’t afford to feed your family otherwise, fuck you. Bad winter? fuck you. Crops blighted? fuck you. Unable to work due to injury? fuck you.
Don’t forget to pay your tribute, peasant, and don’t you dare go hunting or foraging on the king’s land.
Things were far from perfect, but there were solidarity inside the family (which was bigger than out nuclear families) and class solidarity in the community.
And peasants did legally hunt, they couldn’t everywhere, but it was a common practice.
I’m saying this more from the government perspective (the ones granting holidays). I’m sure people in communities helped each other out, but in the context of the idea presented by OP I seriously doubt that the average medieval peasant really had more leisure time than the average worker today, not if they wanted to eat all the way through to the spring thaw.