Has this person even considered the incredibly dangerous precedent being set where BOTH sides of the two party system have constituents that actively encourage them to abandon the rule of law?

What could go wrong?

Those damned leopards were so cute that I walked up to them and pet them…but they ate my face!

Don’t come crying to me when the leopards actually eat your face.

This one video (and the pervasive tendency of Centrists to engage in echo chamber building using “official block lists” on world and BlueSky) has inspired me to start this community.

*Maybe he’s joking and I am not in on the joke? *

    • Aeao@lemmy.world
      4 months ago

      Thank you for your compliment. I also appreciate your rebuttable because if I only ever talk with people who completely agree with me … Well I’d see a very foolish and arrogant man in every mirror.

      It’s been a long work day for me but I’ll read the article you sent when I have a spare moment . It would be a waste to read it right now with my tired mind full of thoughts about work problems.

      I should warn you though when I do read it and if I feel it isn’t accurate or fair I will be coming back to explain that to you. Hopefully you enjoy that as much as I do.

      Honestly I feel the biggest problem, the thing causing such division and anger, is how many people have adopted the foolish “my side is entirely right and yours entirely wrong. I will not listen I will only shout!” Mentality. I’ve always been very proud of myself for not subscribing to that mentality. My opinions obviously feel right to me but more importantly I don’t close the door and lock it.

      Forgive me for bringing up religion but I feel it’s a good comparison. If I truly believe in Jesus then I shouldn’t be afraid to speak to someone who does not. To be afraid of challenges to my beliefs means I either a) don’t really have faith in my beliefs or b) don’t have faith in myself.

      If the only way I can hold a belief or opinion is by hiding myself behind a wall with my fingers in my ears… Its more of a toddler’s safety blanket than a true thought or idea.

      Sorry forgive my rambling. Long day lol.

      • demesisxOPM
        4 months ago

        You and pivot_root collectively made my day so much more wholesome. Interactions like these are why I love Lemmy’s smallness. Kick back after your long day and relax and thanks for the reply. :)