Is there a way to achieve compact view in Nautilus?

I have always used Nemo (Cinnamon’s file manager) on Gnome to achieve said functionality, but it looks alien compared to the rest of the Desktop and therefore I want to use Nautilus.

(Picture: compact view in Nemo, I found said picture online)

  • DoodsOP
    2 years ago

    I am using Debian 12, which uses Gnome 43, now you might be wondering why Debian, well, let me tell you.

    Until recently (less than a month ago) I was forced into using Debian 11, as my desktop’s GPU - The Quadro 600 - had a very old driver, incompitable with any modern distro, But I have since upgraded to an Intel HD 630 IGPU (putting an IGPU after “upgraded to” feels very weird), and stuck to Debian out of habit.

    I am looking to download Fedora (it mainly a gaming machine after all) once my data plan’s usage stabilizes a bit, now you might be asking: “Why did he tell me all of this?”, I honestly do not know, I just wanted to share my story.

    They do not seem to have added it.