they threw corn starch on it. Corn starch.

    actually loads of people do spraypaint stone henge, but JSO didn’t.

    • @jonne
      17 days ago

      Yeah, people don’t care that it washes off easily, they don’t hear about that part, the point is that those actions aren’t popular, painting/blocking private jets is, so just do more of that instead?

        • @jonne
          07 days ago

          There’s that one time they did it, also the time they breached the private jetway in Schiphol and cycled around. Not sure if it happened more times.

          • Did you know about this before searching it out? Their other activities?

            How many articles did it get in major papers approx? How many days reporting?

            • @jonne
              07 days ago

              I didn’t search it out, that’s what I remember from it being reported on at the time, ie. the thing you asked me about.