I blocked Trump and Musk keywords in my Lemmy client and i feel so much less anger.
You are right, thanks. Editing now
Falls ihr kids habt, das Mausradio gibt es den ganzen Tag als stream oder per Tunein für vernetzte Lautsprecher. Mischung aus Musik, Sach- und Lachgeschichten
Just rewatched it last week. Such trash, with Raul Julia being the exception. His Bison is fantastic - and yes, i know the tragic back story with him having cancer. But if everyone had strived to match him, we would have had a masterpiece
Don’t rely on one source, mix it up. For me, the Guardian for international news, the Economist for more economic topics and analysis, Süddeutsche Zeitung for a German view and BR24 for local news and to get enraged over idiot comments.
Oh, you will. With the FDP taking the crown for the most cringe
I mean, this makes sense and could actually be a positive thing to look stuff up
GNU Sir Terry
I’m really intertested if Gunn can pull this off. Guardians 1 and Suicide Squad 2 had ni expectations attached and he turned some c/d grade comic books into great stories. Wirkung with an a list character has to be different
Oh, they are.
Merz ist ein Radfahrer. Nach oben buckeln, nach unten treten.
Zeit für mein Lieblingsgif
“Uhm, actually, if you think of the historic period…”
Or some bullshit like that. Screw these morons, seriously.
Wie, hier, vernünftige Erfahrungen in einem relevanten Feld und dann noch Vorschläge zur Verbesserung machen? Wo kommen wir denn da hin? Stärker gegen Bürgergeldsammler muss man vorgehen.
MfG, ihr Jens Spahn
The caveat:
The Budapest deal foresees the introduction of checks at the land borders between Hungary and Romania and between Romania and Bulgaria for “at least” six months to “prevent any serious threat to public policy and internal security”.
The wording of “at least” implies they could be extended further down the line.
The concession was meant to assuage Vienna’s persistent concerns about irregular migration, which the country repeatedly invoked to block the twin bid.
This means that the great achievement of Thursday’s approval – the permanent abolition of passport checks at land borders – will not be completely realised and citizens who travel across countries will still risk facing some queues and delays.
Pallenberg war einer der ersten deutschen Techblogger damals als Netbooks aufkamen.
Ich finde ihn teilweise zu anstrengend, aber er kann Leute motivieren und hat eine vernünftige Anti-AfD-Einstellumg.
Als Grüner finde ich das gut. Mit CxU kannst nichts reißen, die ziehen alle Partner nach unten und treten dann.
Dass da während der Erstellung niemand sagte “lasst uns das mal anders formulieren” spricht auch Bände über die Fähigkeit zur Selbstreflexion.
I thought it was a satiric thing - is it meant to be seriously?