• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • I’m incredibly unqualified to even think about how one might get faster random access times but i was imagining sci-fi solutions like looped tape so that you are always at most 1/2 of the tape length away from the point you want to reach, or the tape equivalent of multi actuator hard drives where there’s be multiple independent tapes in one cassette in a sort of RAID style thing but maybe instead of (only) striping data could be stored on multiple tapes in different places to always have one tape that is at a position close to the data you want. Or a system where the same tape has multiple read heads applied to it in distant places.

  • I’m just playing casually with some friends. I’ve tried a Mokey Mokey deck as well as a Wight deck. The Wight one is pretty fun and works rather well with Wightbaking doing most of the work. The Mokey Mokey deck is … well … it’s Mokey Mokey so it doesn’t really work even with adrift now being a thing, then again we play super casually so it has worked out once before.

    How does Egyptian god suship deck work? Is it 3x The True Name and 1x Obelisk? I have all the suship cards just because they are like the coolest design ever, but i haven’t built a deck with them.