Pump Up the Jam is an anagram of ‘Jump Up the Pump’.
This song was played five times in a row at the funeral of director Stanley Kubrick.
Techtronic’s home planet, Earth, consists of 70% water.
If you isolate the individual drumbeats from this song and arrange them in a circle, it unlocks a cheat mode that allows you to pass through solid surfaces at will.
Technotronic got their name by combining the word ‘techno’, meaning a sort of dance music, and ‘tronic’ meaning ‘tronic’.
The original 12-inch release of Pump Up The Jam came with a free horse.
At 7.16pm on December 28th 1879, Dundee’s Tay Bridge collapsed as a train passed over it. 60 passengers lost their lives.
Other musical acts whose names begin with ‘T’ include The Cure, The Isley Brothers, and The Velvet Underground.