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I got half way through the article before I had to abandon the page due to the sheer amount of adds that made it unreadable.
Yeah, I paid them £12 last month for a year without ads. And they still have loads of ads at the bottom of their articles. Readable at least, especially with adblockers (you do use firefox mobile right, chrome has shit the bed on this again)
But if we don’t pay journalists, you don’t get journalism! Also got a John o Groats Journal sub for a tenner tae.
I’m >1200 days on DuoLingo. Agus tha Gàidhlig dona agam. Really struggling with grammar and composition, but it’s not bad for vocabulary and getting your ear in for spelling. and SpeakGaelic and Talking Our Language all longer too, but still I’ve found them lacking the grammar, which fluent speakers massage around with ease making Radio Na Gael and BBC Alba nowhere close to ready.
I suspect without daily use outside of the app, DuoLingo will never get me to a state to be able to actually use it.