this is just a meme, I know that everyone is different and not all GNOME or KDE users are like that!!
I like KDE cause it has a cute dragon. GNOME is a stinky foot.
I like KDE cause it has a cute dragon.
A what? I’ve only ever seen the K cog.
We need a non-binary KDE dragon, it seems.
The rainbow not enough for you? 🙃
It’s never enough
Oh wow, I didn’t know about Kandalf and KDE valley, that’s awesome!
You say that as if the later is worse
I always thought the GNOME icon was a indirect meme about Richard Stallman eating something from his toe
Me be like:
GUIs are for the weak. Monitors are for the weak. My PC is connected to a keyboard and a printer. Hackerman
You use a keyboard and a peinter? weak! I throw magnets over the memory chips and use a multi-meter. /l334
Ughhh! Filthy casuals like you using the screen on a multimeter! I bet you don’t even staple the electrodes to your nipples! Probably use clamps instead 🙄
I just do the calculations in my head.
I eat nuts and sleep in a cave
Enjoy your bloat, I directly put my finger on the CPU pins to feel the electrical signals.
I flick toggle switches and read the buffer LEDs.
The latter is more about i3 users lol
yeah, my mom uses kde
Your mom rules.
Me with no DE:
$ whoevenami
Cmus play despacito
This is more like desktop enviromment vs window manager users
Are there people that use window managers without using desktop environments? I thought that one is a component of the other.
Absolutely, there are a good few window managers designed to be standalone. I use AwesomeWM and i3 is very popular.
If you don’t need a full desktop environment it’s nice to have something that mostly stays out of the way.
I don’t think you need to go full WM-onlyism to find yourself unable to relate to Gnome users. There are probably a handful of KDE users who still use Chrome, but we usually have some shame. We’re not, like, trying to form HOAs in our neighborhoods like Gnome users are, probably.
Listen, we have all moved to hyprland for the pretty animations.
What am I doing ricing KDE when I don’t even own a hoodie…
Ricing? What’s that?
Basically anything in !
Ricing refers to modifying your system to make it look cool. The term comes from street racing, where it basically meant improving perceived performance using cosmetics like spoilers and hood ornaments and stuff. Mostly form over function.
Also, if you don’t mind visiting, you’ll see more of what I mean over here:
I use Cinnamon. What does that make me?
Why not both? Seriously, why shouldn’t I install both DEs so I can figure out what I like best or suit my mood?
Can’t we actually have it all in this scenario?
I do have both installed, Plasma seems better for gaming with performance and experimental features, while GNOME is very stable for work and, ironically, customizes better for my preferences.
EDIT: I use Arch BTW
in my experience, installing one breaks the other or at least changes it. it’s a shitshow honestly
Having both at the same time may break shit. However you can choose a distro like Debian or Arch or any one that just gives you the default DE, customize it to your liking if needed, use it for a set amount of time (like two weeks, a month, whatever) or until you feel like you have a good grasp on it and if you like it, then install another one, uninstall the previous one and repeat until you tried all the DEs you wanted to try or found the one you like and just use that one
NO! You must pick a side and fight!
What if I use Hyprland?
Instant upvote because KDE is stupid underrated
I don’t think it’s that underrated. But yah it’s a little underrated.
inacurate, they are all femboys
Eh, my main reason for going KDE is every time I try Gnome, it feels like “what do I do now” and “where is the program I opened”
I know that would get better with time spent using it, but then again, KDE feels like I can make it do what I want a lot easier
And none of the other DEs look as nice and polished, which, I know, that’s not the important part … But dammit, I’m gonna be spending a lot of time staring at it, I’d like it to look good to me at least
Gnome is better on that now, but I have been using gnome since back when KDE was using non-free libraries to be prettier
Gnome probably isn’t the best free desktop anymore, but I guess I’m used to it
There’s a lot to be said for familiarity and its impact on productivity… Which is why I hate when UI layouts change for no apparent reason other than to be different.
It’s also good to try and work the way the system is designed for — or maybe to share a way of working with the design leads
Gnome likes you to have several things open, spread across the different desktops, and you really want to know the shortcuts for jumping between stuff
That’s why I stopped using Gnome. I loved Gnome 2.x, but then they went all screwey with Gnome 3 so I switched to Cinnamon.
The last time I was meaningfully using Linux was around the time of Ubuntu 8.04 - my experience was the opposite of this.
When I have the time, I’ll be dipping back in on Zorin (which I think defaults to modded KDE) - I’ve spun up VM, and it seems like it’s worth a shot… I just need to confirm it’ll play the small handful of games I play, find a slicer app, and pull the trigger. Damn near everything else is Web-based or self-hosted.
Yeah, Gnome is VERY different than in 2008