Huh, I wonder why? Let’s see…
- My rent was raised by ~100€ over the last two years
- My electricity bill is 30€ higher now, too
- My food expenses exploded to about an extra 200€ per month, even though I pay more attention to prices now and go for me-too-products whenever I can
- Not to mention the countless other things that got more expensive (heating, water bills, insurance, clothes etc.)
Meanwhile, my salary increased by a little more than 100€ in that same time span. And you’re telling me people can’t afford decent meals? Oh I fucking wonder why!
ELI5: How is it only a “proper” meal if it has meat or meatlike ingredients? What’s wrong with dishes that are plainly vegetarian?
The article already mentions “or a vegetarian equivalent”. Being vegetarian also means you have to have a balanced diet. That’s not easy when you’re poor.
It’s indeed not easy. But we’re speaking about one of the cases where you actually can substitute money with knowledge, planning and some effort. Cheap and healthy vegan (not just vegetarian) diets are doable, they just require cooking and looking up what you do. Or at least switching it up a lot.
But what is actually needed, then? I can 100% assure you that you can survive or even thrive on a diet consisting of nothing but potatoes and beans and a bit of green stuff.
You can assure me how?
Aside from nutritional value it’s not really feasible for the whole world to only eat potatoes, beans and a bit of green stuff. They will not grow everywhere in sufficient quantities.
Be noted that I am not advocating eating meat is necessary or healthy the way we do it currently. I was just explaining that you did not read the article carefully.
Have a look at e.g. That was only a fun self-experiment, and not a scientific study at all, of course.
But who was mentioning the population of the whole world? This is a channel about Europe, linking an article about Europe.
You are already aware of my counter argument, great. Also it’s for 60 days only and a publicity stunt. That’s not really shattering my knowledge about nutrition.
So you’re saying for Europe is possible?
How about a year?
Why are you so confrontational, dude? The sun is hot today, so we should be mellow.
Men’s health. Naw.
Why? You know other people might read this and think they can live and prosper only with potatoes and beans. And to be honest, that’s not good advice, which I assume you also don’t live by.
But I agree, let’s chill, it’s really too hot.
Has anybody had the patience to investigate on the article and find out what is meant by “vegetarian equivalent”? I cannot believe that lentils or beans could be that expensive. Completely different picture for tofu, meat substitutes and the like.
I tried to figure out what they meant by “vegetarian equivalent” but it’s not clear from the article and the source link seems broken…
Is it only me or does anyone else think something has gone wrong with the EU? Shouldn’t it have prevented wars and poverty promoting collaboration and solidarity? Especially for the countries which joined with the 2007 expansion like the ones mentioned in the post, I think their expectations were utterly “betrayed”.
@MetaPhrastes the EU has been incredibly effective at preventing wars between it’s members, before they were always at war, since the EU never again. And you just need to step out of the EU to see wars…
You don’t have to be a economist to see how much the Romanian and Bulgarian economies improved since joining. But there are no magic pills, it takes time.
So yeah, hopefully it’s only you with such a simplistic and alienated view, unfortunately we know you aren’t the only one.
Meat and fish definitely isn’t needed for a good meal, what’s meant by vegetarian equivalent?
You can easily meet your needs with a totally plant based diet, it’s even healthier and cheaper.