get a new drive and transfer everything asap
You need better cooling in your case. 65° is too high. And without being able to see the actual SMART stats… weird that you would crop the important part off… we can’t give you a good answer, but the total NAND writes nearing uhh, 1.6PB probably has something to do with it. You are likely going to start randomly losing data soon…
It thinks that its out of write cycles, however I pushed a 2TB samsung 980 pro to 7PB and it was fine, so ymmv. It did get slower after a while, but not unbearably so. I have been at 0% for 2+PB.
I only use it for irreplaceable data that I only have one copy of though.
Meanwhile you can have enterprise nvme SSD like the samsung PM1725 with +2PB write and 95% NAND life remaining xD
Bro what have you expected from a 3rd party KINGFAST ssd?? They are cheap for a reason.
What did you do to write so much data? Genuinely wondering.
I’d back up anything that’s important.
Smart stats are cropped off?