I don’t care is it’s Trump or Biden, I’m not in favor of secrecy except in matters of national security. And while I could see an argument for the latter, it feels more like shame in this case.
Here’s an idea: he could keep his mouth shut and hem and haw over selling them anything—plausible deniability. Israel is left in the lurch without losing our alliance (not that I care, but Biden obviously does).
Selling secretly just makes it look like you’re up to no good.
Want to increase the minimum wage? Nope, congress stands in the way. Tee hee, thumbs down, curtsy.
Want to do any of the stuff Manchin stripped from BBB? Sorry never gonna be sorry, we have checks and balances in this country and the filibuster is permanent and sacrosanct.
Want to sell bombs to a nation that just bombed a refugee camp? What’s Congress?
That is some BS, Republican type shit right there.
How about we stop supporting the intentional destruction of a nation that is 1/4 the size of one of our states at most? I can’t see anymore pictures of bloodied and dead children. Write all of your repesentatives and tell them to end support to Israel. Leaders of both Israel and Hamas should just be thrown in a ditch with sharp sticks if they wanna kill people so bad they can kill each other and leave the children out.
Like with the Contras?
War deals always get cut without congress because the US is simply three weapons manufactureres in a trench coat pretending to be a government.
The ‘but Trump’ group will be silent on this issue