Bacta reality Oh, there goes gravity
I guess it depends on the size of the hangover!
Do they have alcohol in Star Wars?
“Wanna buy some death sticks?”
“Happy Cantina Music”
-heard at a bar
Wait, are death sticks alcohol?
I was just curious as they could have something that is essentially the same in narrative function, but not technically alcohol since it’s a completely different world from ours. The bar could serve “booze” but it’s not the byproduct of yeast fermentation.
I think they’ve found alcohol in some nebulae though so I guess the argument could be made that it’s something that probably exists throughout the universe whether there’s yeast to make it or not…
No, not alcohol, but they were at a bar. I’m pretty sure there isn’t another substance around (though it could be a star wars analogue, because movie-worlds /eyeroll) that creates bars where people sit around a central area with a bartender serving said substance.