My right sink was briefly occupied and my ocd was twitching, so I switched things up and used the left sink. I feel like a rebel - almost a gadabout. I’m still a bit anxious about it, but there’s definitely a ‘spring’ in my step.
At the risk of being exciting:
I have that exact same soap, both hand and dish
Ya, wtf ever happened to green Palmolive? It used to rule, now it totally blows! Then again, in Canada, Dawn was a tough find until maybe 8 or so years ago, But it’s the best.
Nice euro scrubby
Those things are great; a daughter introduced them to me a while back and I pooh-poohed them at first. Now I swear by them.
How is this scrubby better than others that are available? I’m curious because I can’t say that I have ever used one, but I have seen in several stores.
I was skeptical, but the idea is that under cold water, it’s stiffer, hot water makes it softer. It kind of works on everything pretty well. I also like the eye holes so I can use it to grip better inside glasses.
Thanks for the info. I’ll have to try one out!
How do you keep that spring clean?
tbh, it’s more cosmetic than functional, and actually requires little ‘cleaning’.
Perhaps every 6 weeks or so I’ll give the fixture a ‘scrub’ with baking soda, or a diluted soft-scrub Barkeepers Friend.
Which side has your garbage disposal? You may want to avoid using the side without the disposal for washing so you don’t accidentally wash down large food waste that will clog your drain.
Garbage disposal? in sinks? What’s that?
It’s an American thing.
Garbage disposals are motorized shredders that fit into the drain on a kitchen sink. It allows you to grind any waist that falls into the . While the benefits of composting definitely outweigh the potential benefits of grinding all your food waste, I still think there is benefit in having a garbage disposal. Some food waste will inevitably fall through to the drain and can cause buildup in the drain pipe, which will result in costly repairs at some point.
Additional banger of old times internet that thought me what a garbage disposal was:
I had never heard of it.
Some even have fun pun names!
Why do you think there is one?
Every place I’ve ever lived has always had a garbage disposal. This is definitely more common in the US, particularly in urban areas so I recognize that not everyone may have one. However, this sink looks exactly like my current kitchen sink so I subconsciously assumed there would be one.
I’ve lived in the US my whole life and never had one. Thinking back through all the dorms and apartments, my friend’s houses, my mom’s house through multiple kitchen renovations… My grandma has one but that’s the only one I can think of.
Maybe it’s more common on the West Coast?
Texas here and all but one of my many apartments/homes over the years has had one. I assumed it was pretty standard.
Extremely common in the midwest and have been for decades. In my experience people don’t use them for grinding up a bunch of food waste. Mostly used to break up the food that comes off washed dishes to avoid clogging up the drainage system. My dad said it helped with septic systems.
Even the 100+ year old farmhouses frequently had them added in.
Apartments seem to have them less frequently.
Ya…never had one in about 10 homes in my lifetime. They’ve always piqued my interest, though.
Nowadays I compost most scraps - gotta be careful bc we have racoons, skunks, fishers, lots of critters but mostly bc bears, and 'tis the season.Interesting to hear that you’ve never owned a garbage disposal. It’s quite the opposite for me. I’ve never lived anywhere without a garbage disposal in the kitchen sink however, I’ve always used the garbage disposal as more of a preventive tool. Composting kitchen scraps (or feeding my chickens kitchen scraps) has always been my preferred method of organic waste disposal. I’ve been raised, and I’ve raised my children to use the garbage disposal to grind food waste that is not suitable for composting, and would otherwise simply fill my bin with methane and other unpleasant decomposition by products. For example, we feed our dogs boiled chicken. Inevitably, some of the pieces of chicken get stuck to the bottom of the pot and have to be scraped off while washing. I wouldn’t feed my chickens anything with soap on it nor would I compost this as the soap may have a detrimental effect on the microbes that are breaking down my compost.
I like the look of your faucet. it’s neat
Can’t be! Not enough flooding!
You have 2 sinks? What for?
To rest my legs in whilst bathing.
You fill one with water and washing-up liquid to clean the dishes and use the other one to rinse them off.
The most efficient way, it’s really fast when done in a family, with many hands to help.
Most efficient under certain conditions, specifically washing a lot of stuff by hand. If you waste that much water for just one or 2 dozen things that is not efficient. Unless you really only fill them only a bit and not high. A washing machine is more efficient when you pack it full of stuff in pretty much any case.