There’s plenty of other stuff, Soybeans for example.
Khruschev: What the fuck am I doing in the midwest?
Praising Big Kernel^TM clearly.
Khruschev: Oh, great. Now L.Torvalds is also here. Hey, comrade, do you need some corn to insert in the Nvidia boss’ ass?
That photo was actually taken on a farm near Des Moines. Khruschev traveled to Iowa to learn more about corn farming with hopes to replicate some of the techniques at home
Some states have both!
Oh don’t worry, nowadays you can have your choice of going to an overpriced bar in an old barn or an overpriced bar in an old industrial building!
The thing on the left looks so cool. I’d love to grow up with cool things like that to explore.
You forgot the Tourist Traps. Something my state is surprisingly short on, come to think of it… 🤔