If you wanted to kill a bunch of Americans for some reason, without all the sticky issues around murder and the like, you’d be hard-pressed to come up with better than these past couple of months.
what’s hilarious is, if you read the actual study from '94, that suggested there might be a link… a middleschool-level of science is needed to refute it.
Remember, correlation is not causation, and that’s all they really had. worse, they looked at 12 kids and zoomed in on the MMR vaccine. Which was incredibly common. Pretty much everyone between like the fifties or sixties until the 90’s had vaccines.
if correlation is causation, and 12 kids is enough to establish correlation… then have more to consider there. I presume they were all, you know, wearing clothes, for example. Or shoes. Or had hair. They all probably spent time outside, too, in the sunlight. They all probably slept at night. OOO I know. They all probably ate food. and drank water, and not-water-stuffs. PB&J sandwiches.
edit to add: pluto was discovered the same year the diagnostic rules for autism were established, too. so pluto, the planet, causes autism.
Pluto isn’t a planet.
Argument destroyed, pharma shill ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Yes it is, and I have the solar quest board game board to prove it.
Also, I will fight you. Nobody does Pluto dirty like that.
(For the record, the reclassified it to “dwarf planet” so it’s still a planet. I also understand why they did, but they could have made an exception…. Maybe even turn it into a “fun fact” lesson. Instead… they chose violence.)
Measles wreaks much more bodily havoc than just its 1% fatality rate
Sounds like a great way to cripple a generation
Just maybe all the deaths eventually will make people turn on them. Unlikely, but who knows.
If we ever get a non republican back it will probably hit a boiling point right then.
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So let me get this straight: He’s against vaccines, but in favor of administering steroids to children? Okay, relax Satan.
Well, TBF, when it comes to steroids and children - they are prescribed at times by doctors.
Although given that it’s RFK jr we are talking about here and the fact that he has zero training in any of this and is most definitely not a doctor…all of this is highly sus.
Wanna bet vaccines are prescribed more frequently?
It’s like his family’s previous sickle cell testing but on white people.
“I am very grateful we live in a community where we can let our children die from a totally preventable disease”
Your parrot just has measles! Go ahead and rub this ointment on it…