lol America is just so incredibly stupid and I wish I could leave
This part confuses me it’s not like MMR is a new vaccine. Most people should have been vaccinated as children and the morons that are antivax would not take the vaccine even now and just die. So where is the shortage coming from?
People usually get it at specific intervals as children. It’s easy to plan ahead when you have everyone scheduled weeks in advance on a routine schedule. Not so much when you have everyone descending on clinics at the last minute.
The problem I think you’re forgetting is that vaccines have a very limited shelf life. They can’t just keep tons in stock. In a sense they’re made to order, so everybody trying to get one all of a sudden is causing strain on a system that was never meant to deal with on-demand vaccination.
So basically people getting their kids to get it early becase stupid people caused an outbreak thank you that makes sense
Probably not early. Probably late. Some states have vaccine requirements for public schools, I don’t know if Texas does.
Apparently the original vax used between 1957 and 1967 wasn’t strong enough to produce permanent immunity, so people vaxxed in those years are being told to get boosters. And between 1967 and 1978, everyone got a single shot for their vaccination, but they later decided it should have been a two-shot series, so one-shot vaxxed from those years are supposed to get boosters.
There’s a blood test that can tell if your immunity has waned, or you can just ask your doctor for a booster shot.
Military boosted my 1972 ass before deploying in 2004. Woot!
From what I’ve heard you’ve got a whole lot of immunities now
All of them!
Huh, I should probably get that test. It’s not in my state yet but measles is one of the most contagious viruses, so it would be good to know. I may very well have gotten boosted at some point, being pro-vaccine, but it’s been a lot of decades.
I’d get tested sooner rather than later: spring break is this month, and I fully expect all the mixing students to bring measles back to their various campuses, where it’ll have 6-8 weeks more to spread before everyone brings it back home for the summer.
Oh, good point, and I live near a campus too!
Yeah I feel like those people should do a titer test to check vs getting the vaccine just to be safe.
There were years that the vaccine was less effective or that they gave one instead of two. Now we’re learning that we may need a booster.
Yeah I didn’t know that. In the military had us do two one when I was like 2 and a booster when I started school. Then another one when I joined the army. But that one they pumped us with every vaccine you can think of.
You can bet that RFK Jr isn’t going to do a damn thing about it.
Less sure about being anti-vax now that your children are dying, eh, State of Texas?
Haha, Texas. Everyone is laughing at you.
Will the MMR still be available during the next super typhoon hurricane to hit Texas? How about during the incoming power outage during a freezing winter month?
How are them Republicans doing for ya there Texas? You want some chicken bake?
Please send help
Just leave. Every one of you sitting in Texas is cattle for them to collect rent against. Stop funding them.
Have a spare job?