What would be a good streaming site alternative to Netflix to watch french cartoons like Tin Tin, Asterix with both english and french subs?
2000ad is still going!
Also nice: The Adventures of Tintin by Belgian illustrator Hergé.
Some of the comics are rightly criticized for racial stereotyping and a romanticized view of colonialism, but this is hardly surprising as they date back to the 1930s. On the whole, the Adventures of Tintin are nevertheless a classic of comic art.
There are also several animated TV series. The best known is a French-Canadian co-production with 39 half-hour-episodes.
The Franco-Belgian comics scene has turned out so many timeless classics.
I was never really into DC and Marvel, except for some graphic novels like the Alan Moore books.
Damn I remember these fuckers.
I used to watch all of them with my brother when I was a child. Gotta give them a rewatch!
I have never liked American cartoons, apart from some underground cartoons. So I don’t have problems with that.
Now these are the recommendations we need!
Did you know that The Amazing World of Gumball is made in the UK with a French creator?
Filled with American voice actors :(
Belgium really has some awesome comics! I always thought a bunch of them were Dutch, as they were written in Flanders.
Was quite a funny moment when I figured out most of my favourites were Belgian.
My dad has all of the ones that came out till 1980 or so, hardbound.
No. No. No. Is Japan a legit alternative?