Yep. Can confirm.
A landlord working? in what world?
They hire someone else and bill the last tenant
Eh, individual landlords that try to save money by doing it (badly) themselves still exist. I had one for a while.
Yeah, and they still charge a professional fee to the last tenant even though they did it horribly for half the cost
Mine told us if we wanted to paint the walls we could
With the obvious implication we’d pay for it or do it ourselves
Well it’s not uncommon to do that if the paint that’s there looks good enough already either let the next tenant paint it the colour they want or repaint in white and don’t allow them to change the colour…
Eh, small landlords do that.
They usually invest in property to secure funds for retirement, and to fund kids college, and basically afford life costs. Some actually have a regular job on top of this landlord “investment” thing going on. They mostly fix things by themselves because its cheaper (and sometimes the job is done poorly). Their “frugal” behavior is carried over from their personal lives into their rental bussiness, because they grew up in poverty.
I mean, honestly, its not “landlord bad”, its more of “capitalism bad”. Landlords exist because capitalism fucks everyone and everyone is trying to get ahead, any means necessary. So some become landlords. I mean, to understand their perspective, they don’t view it as wrong because they think “if it’s legal, then its okay”. That’s literally what society tells everyone.
I mean, these “small landlords” won’t need to hoard properties if society has UBI, retirement funds that policitians aren’t trying to cut all the time, free college, socialized healthcare, people actually being able to afford living, etc.
Direct your anger towards capitalism, taking out your anger on these landlords (especially the small ones) is a waste of time, aim for the politicians and the top 1%.
Found the landlord
You seem to be describing most capitalist countries (minus the ubi). The US is the only one without socialized Healthcare. One a the few ones without free college.
Landlords are bad.
Hopefully the last tenant tells the landlord to pound sand as there wasn’t a written agreement.
That’s why that take your deposit up front.
Blue?! Your paint had color in it? Look at Mr Moneybags over here whose landlord springs for the high-end paint to cover the excess mold
excess mold
The “excess mold” beyond the level of normal acceptable mold.
I see somebody read the fine print
If the mold was bad for you, they wouldn’t make a cheese with it, dummy. Simple as
I must be tired, I thought this was “assigned Landlord at birth” which is objectively pretty funny.
Yes, hereditary aristocracy is a big joke.
Just happens us serfs are the butt of the joke.
Nepotism kills
It will be fine, they used mold killing paint. No need to look into the root cause of the issue.
My last one literally said we might find the paint still damp and tacky.
And after 2 years, it’s no longer damp but still tacky
You’ve lived places 🥹
lol you’d be lucky if they did that much.
oh god, the fungus… 🤢
Also: I had to scrape a lot of our walls myself because the paint was getting bubbles.
It’s a 50 yo apartment with lots of alkalinity.