Me and my friend continued our Halo Legendary Difficulty “project”. Now that Halo 2 is done, we’re making lightning speed on Halo 3. We’ve gone from almost half a year for the entirety of Halo 2, too 3 more levels left of Halo 3. I also just found out that Halo 3 has 4 player multiplayer, so i’ll have to recruit a few extra friends for that.
One particular spot we struggled on a bit today was this Scarab.
We couldn’t get it’s legs to drop for some reason no matter how hard we hit it. So i grabbed a choppper and ramped it over the top of the thing and hopped out midair to land on it midway through like something out of an Action Movie. I also couldn’t use any special tools to get up because i was saving the Grav Lift for a skull later in the level. It was a fun and epic moment. It always seems like something happens in this area, as when me and my friend went through this area on a normal mode playthrough, my Tank i was driving just tripped out and started spinning like a beyblade and sent me flying off the edge. I was laughing too hard too be upset about a bug like that.
There was also this section, which you need to take a stair case to get down from to a lower level. With the opening cutscene with how far Chief falls and how he doesn’t seem to take fall damage in this game, i though “well, i bet i could probably survive the fall”. Turns out, chief cannot survive that fall. His plot armor must be cutscene only sadly.
Me and my friend have been following a quota of 2 levels a day due to time constraints, tomorrow we talked about doing 3 though just to finish up Halo 3. I’m excited to get to 4 though and finish up reach. Reach i’ve heard good things about, and though from what i understand 4 isn’t very popular, i’m excited to give it an earnest try.
Yea 3 is amazing, especially in coop. Physics glitches are almost canonical ! Reach you will have a great time with too, it’s less space opera and more saving pvt ryan but the narrative is intense and beautiful. 4 isn’t bad, but the second to second combat is way less varied and fun than previous games, specifically the new enemies. Perhaps it shines in coop, I don’t know
I’ve heard good things about reach, especially the ending. I played the first few levels the other day when it was the only Halo game installed and I just wanted to play some Halo with my friend. I’m excited to get too it though
Halo 3 is a lot of fun, and it’s got some brilliant setpieces, but in terms of plot it’s always felt a bit of a rush job.
Even so, I love it to bits and it occupied many memorable evenings between 2008-2010. Definitely a much easier Legendary experience than Halo 2.
Maybe it’s just nostalgia, but Halo 3’s vibe is one of my favorites. The plot feels a bit short for some reason but I really like it, especially the multiplayer
Is this from Hello: The Mister Chef Collective?
Yeah. I have a disk copy of Halo 3 and ODST for 360, but I’m scared that mine will Red Ring so I try to avoid playing until I can properly maintenance it. The online multiplayer is super nice though
I miss Tsavo Highway
are you playing on PC? I think you said you were. Have you tried using Steam’s built in game recording/clipping feature? You coulda grabbed a sick cinematic clip of your flying chopper! Godspeed Chief o7
Oh shit. I was thinking to myself “I wish I got that on a clip with steam”. I just remembered forge sexists though. I wonder if I could clip the replay through that?