This stretchable technology goes beyond expanding its size, though, as you can freely twist, extrude, and fold it without damaging the screen.
Someone should make a mask with this that continually changes the appearance of the wearers face to confuse ai surveillance tracking.
Yes, just after they make Rorschach’s mask.
Yeah boiii!
Those look pretty cool, Im not sure where I would use it yet, but I’m sure they will end up being useful for various things. A lot of displays in dashboard look displeasing to the eye to me, I’m sure curving screens could help with that. I foresee many a dick joke being made with them as well. (Couldn’t help myself)
I’m waiting for a screen/phone I can use like those wrist bracelets you slap on when you were younger and then take off and extend to be a phone and maybe extend so far to be a tablet.
Couldn’t they just use our existing curved screen technology that we see on gaming and work station monitors? The real innovation here is being stretchy and moldable and i doubt those features are needed for a dashboard.
Malls could use this screens around columns. It would probably make those phones’ edges easier to make. Foldable screens could benefit from this too. As you said dashboards in cars would be prettier. Since they’re malleable, it would probably be easier to make curved displays. Your watch could display information around your wrist. Fashion people could even use this thing around necks and wrists. I don’t know, I could think many industries could use this.
Sit down to read a book, stretch your phone screen out to a comfortable holding size to read. Could be nice.
Randomly stretched screen would be even more displeasing to eyes I guess.
I wonder if it can make regular screens more abuse-proof.
This is a “Solution Before Problem™” but still extremely cool as a technology
Edit: also dont foldable screens stretch already? Or how do they compensate for the length difference between folded and unfolded, esoecially on the huawei with 2 folds for example. And the other thing is if they have stretchable screens, could they have stretchable semiconductors? Its cool but my philosophy is that you should always strive for simplicity and one piece of a device should only so its own thing. If you have a hinge its okay but suddenly when you fold a bunch of other things thats too much. Thats for example why i think the ds/3ds is a brilliant design while every single foldable phone is useless. IMO foldable screens are usefull where it only does one thing like on a curved screen. Thats on optimization where they manufacture one panel but the company that makes the monitor can put a curve on it in the factory. This is MY OPINION so it doesnt have to be currect. Also sorry for the rant.
I’m not familiar with the phones you mentioned, but folding and unfolding something doesn’t stretch it or change its length. Think about folding and unfolding a piece of paper.
it does though! even for very thin objects like a sheet of paper, bending anything will stretch/squish material depending on whether it’s on the inside or outside of the bend. that’s why paper becomes creased when it’s folded!
an easy way to think about it is with tubes. the inside circumference is always smaller than the outside because when you introduce a curve you’re either lengthening the outside, shortening the inside, or both.
Sure, I agree that there’s some amount of stretching, but not really an amount that’s noticeable on a human scale. Like if you creased one piece of paper then laid it out next to an uncreased piece, you’re not really going to see a length difference.
you’re pretty much right! there is a difference, but one fold won’t be largely discernible on something like a piece of paper.
the initial comment was about foldable screens though, which are both expected to fold more then just the once, and are also much more prone to failure as a result of inter-layer stress.
the issue isn’t that you see the screen deforming, rather the tiny deformations you can’t see are causing issues like delamination or seemingly random failure. but hey, extra stretchy screens could, if not entirely fix, at least mitigate this particular problem!
Maybe they can work on clothing, can have live images charging on a shirt.
I didn’t see the point of foldable phones. This is meh to me.