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Founder of polling firm that conducted survey says: ‘That language is straight out of Mein Kampf … it’s Nazi rhetoric’
A new poll has revealed that more than one-third of Americans agree with Donald Trump’s warning that undocumented immigrants in the US are “poisoning the blood” of America.
A significant 34% of the respondents to the poll, conducted by the Brookings Institution and Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI), agreed with the statement previously made on the election campaign trail by the former US president and Republican party nominee for the White House, Donald Trump.
“One-third of Americans (34%) say that immigrants entering the country illegally today are ‘poisoning the blood of our country’, including six in 10 Republicans (61%), 30% of independents, and only 13% of Democrats,” a summary of the annual poll stated, which surveyed more than 5,000 individuals from 16 August to 4 September.
“This is a truly alarming situation to find this kind of rhetoric, find this kind of support from one of our two major political parties,” said Robert Jones, president and founder of the PRRI, during a presentation of the poll’s findings. “That language is straight out of Mein Kampf. This kind of poisoning the blood, it’s Nazi rhetoric.”
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Isn’t that literally everyone not indigenous to the American continents?
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Technically they came over too, just much earlier over the Bering Strait. Really, we’re all from Africa, so we should probably all move back there. Better make some room folks, there’s a lot of us now.
I’m pretty sure Trump is not native american either.
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Germany isn’t sending their best
“They’re rapists…”
Yeah, that tracks.
Banished is banished.
For anyone who didn’t know: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/21/trump-grandfather-friedrich-banished-germany-historian-royal-decree
This is why I claim that fascism is less a political ideology than it is an expression and exploitation of basic human psychology. This isn’t an American thing. This isn’t a 2024 thing. Human beings believe this all over the world, and always do. A significant portion of us are hard wired to worry about “purity”, which can be sullied in a number of psychologically related ways, making us feel disgust. Such people tend conservative.
I recommend the movie “the wave”. Loosely based on a book based on a true story.
And half the country thought black people should be slaves. That is why we are not a direct democracy and why we have a constitution. Even if we haven’t always lived up to it, this country was founded on the principle that all people are created equal. All people, not all citizens. Believing that some people are inherently better than others is not just wrong, it is un-American.
The constitution was written during a time where slavery was acceptable.
While I agree with your underlying tone what your saying isn’t actually factual truth.
Like I said, we haven’t always lived up to our ideals. Slavery was allowed to persist in spite of it directly contradicting the ideals of this country because the southern colonies would never have signed onto a Constitution that forbade it.
Either way the founding fathers of this country loved slavery, so to claim our founding fathers were all about equality is hilarious.
Keep smoking that copium tho.
Some of the founding fathers loved slavery, many others were abolitionists, and debates went back and forth between them for almost a decade when they were drafting the constitution. The did actually plan ahead and leave mechanisms built into the constitution to amend the constitution. 27 times in fact.
That’s not cope, that’s how it’s supposed to work but the last 50 years, one political party has hijacked every constitutional mechanism and manipulated it to their bid for power.
The founding fathers never truly accounted for people executing their offices in bad faith, they never really planned for an organized subversion of every branch of the government. A legislative branch in gridlock unable to legislate because Republicans are actively forcing it into gridlock. A judicial branch that has been stacked with justices aligned with conservatives, and when Republicans get into the executive branch abuse every executive power the first chance they get and use the influence over the Judiciary to stack those courts with partisan judges.
And the race is still close. This country is fucked.
40-some percent of Americans simply don’t vote.
The remaining 60% are split into their teams. We have no way of knowing how that 40% would vote.
The reason I mention this is because ~30% of Americans are republicans- which would suggest at least some of them don’t actually agree with the rhetoric, but that they’re single issue voters. (Abortion, imposing christofascism,
Rich People’s Yacht MoneyThe Economy™️, etc)hilldog could have won florida, and therefore the election if the ultra-pro-life cuban population voted for her… but they didnt, and here we are.
All great cultures of the past perished only because the originally creative race died out from blood poisoning
He poisons the blood of others but preserves his own blood unadulterated
Hitler on Jews
Whenever Aryans have mingled their blood with that of an inferior race, the result has been the downfall of the people who were the standard-bearers of a higher culture
Believe it or not, still fucking Hitler
There is a former US president who is currently running again who can’t keep spouting literal Nazi lies-and a third of Americans agree with him. That should terrify you. We know what happens when Nazis take power and the US is not immune.
Hey look it’s something Hitler also pushed.
A third of Americans agree with Trump full stop.
Been that way from the start.
And that third are poison upon this world.
My favorite George Carlin quote: Think about how stupid the average person is and realize that half of them are stupider than that.
A third of Americans are dumb as hell and too ignorant to realize America was built off immigration.
Fuckin scumbags.
That’s why the remaining two thirds of the population need to keep these people from obtaining power and influence. Cancer needs to be kept in check or eradicated outright.
Pure 100% American blood this guy. Scottish born mother and German born grandfather. 2 out of 3 wives imported from Eastern Europe. Big pure blood vibes.
I’m of the opinion the societies that brought heavy industry and Flags aka “this is mine time to die” are the people’s with the poisonous blood.
The only humans that weren’t cancerous, like the Native Americans that lived in perpetual homeostasis with the Earth, were largely eradicated in the name of metastasis, oh I’m sorry, wonderous growth.
You know, that thing that’s destroying the entire habitat for humans effectively permanently.
like the Native Americans that lived in perpetual homeostasis with the Earth
While I agree the root of most of our modern problems is the infinite growth mindset, this noble savage idea is also an ahistorical reading of the politics of the First Peoples in the Americas, the various tribes also fought conflicts with each other over territory and resource disputes, the engaged in trade with each other, they were people just like us. They formed alliances and rivalries, they cooperated and competed. The First Peoples weren’t this mystical connected-to-the-land pure beings untainted by imperial colonialism and infinite growth, they were humans, just as flawed as any of us were with their own understandings of how the world worked.
Brookings Institute - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for Brookings Institute:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: High - Factual Reporting: Very High - United States of America
Wikipedia about this sourceThe Guardian - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report)
Information for The Guardian:
MBFC: Left-Center - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United Kingdom
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