Howard the Duck is a sci-fi comedy that blends 80s pop culture and interdimensional adventure. The story follows Howard, a talking duck from another planet, who is accidentally transported to Earth. Stranded in Cleveland, he befriends Beverly, a rock singer, and Phil, an eccentric scientist. Together, they face the threat of a dangerous alien entity known as the Dark Overlord, who plans to take over the world. Throughout the film, Howard tries to adjust to life on Earth while looking for a way to return home.

The film mixes comedy, action, and sci-fi elements, offering an unusual and offbeat story. Despite its initial box office failure, Howard the Duck has become a cult favorite, remembered for its unique premise and quirky characters.

  • Chip Zien (voice) as Howard the Duck
  • Lea Thompson as Beverly Switzler
  • Tim Robbins as Phil Blumburtt
  • Jeffrey Jones as Dr. Walter Jenning / Dark Overlord

IMDB | Trailer | Comedy, Adventure, Sci-Fi