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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/RxndxmBxy on 2024-09-20 01:27:02+00:00.

What’s up. A rather long Story, but I try to keep it short. Still I need to give some Context so that you understand everything. I am from Germany so my English isn’t the best, but I try.

I work as an Operator and Shift Manager in an Incineration Plant for Chemical Waste. Two Years ago I changed my Company, because at my previous Company there was an Incident in which me and my Crew nearly died and the Management pretty much said to me “You nearly died so let’s try to avoid it in the Future” and they didn’t come up with a new Safety Concept. Assholes. Back to the Story.

I changed my Workplace and now I operate a Incineration Plant, again, but this one is much smaller. Pretty cool here with a good Work Enviroment. The Plant is part of an Industry Complex in a Forest and around the Incineration Plant is only Forest except one of the Production Departments is out direct Neughbor.

A few Months into the Job some of my Coworkers told me that sometimes “weird” Things happen in our Department. What they meant is that sometimes you can hear Footstep near you or see a shadowy Figure around a Corner. Sounds Interesting right. Well they had a pretty logical explainatuon for this: We not only use the Incineration Plant for chemical Waste in form of Liquids like Solvent, but we also burn away the toxic Fumes that our other Departments produce. So our direct Neighbor has one Production Line in in their Basement and the Fumes this Line produces are being sent through Underground Pipes through our Basement into the Plant to burn away. This Fumes are not super dangerous, but at a high Concentration they can cause Hallucinations. BUT the Pipes are pretty old (I think around 50+ Years) and they have seen better Days, but because of the Economy Crisis in the Last Years the Management decided to pause Repairing Projects like old, leaking Pipes like in our Basements.

So if you had the AC shut off for a longer period of time inside the Basement this Fumes would concentrate and when you work there you might get Hallucinations. They said that most of the “weird” Stuff was probably caused by this.

So now really back to my Experience.

A Month ago I had Nightshift and my Co-Wotker for the Night was sick so I was alone. 99,99 Percent of the Nightshifts nothing happens and you just make two Inspection Tours through the Plant to get some Data and see if there are Issues. So I didn’t thought much about being alone, even when it was my first time alone in this Company. I was even happy, because I planed to watch a Movie.

So I was there at the Nightshift and made my first Inspection Tour. Nothing unusual until I needed to get some Data from the Basement. I went downstairs and walked to the Sensors for the Data. Suddenly I heard a creaking Sound from behind me and Footsteps walking down the Metal Stairs. I turned around but didn’t see a thing, of course. But I was a bit curious. Why? This Stairs are sturdy as fuck. One of my Coworkers is pretty obese (still super nice Guy<3) and when he walked down this Stairs they didn’t make the same loud noise I heard just now. So whatever it was that made this Sounds needed to be 370+ Pounds. I came to the conclusion that this must be Hallucinations made by this Fumes so I decided to continue my Tour and then turn on the AC for later. But during this Tour I also saw a shadowy Figure at one Corner, but I still thought “Nah. Just the Fumes.”

4 Hours later I made my second and final Inspection Tour. Like before everything normal. Then came the Basement. I still shake a bit while remembering this. I walked down again (AC turned ON remember so usually no Fumes) and as I walk down I can hear Footsteps again directly behind me. I turned around but nothing to see. I then continued to go to the Sensors and suddenly I hear Footsteps again. But this time not walking, but running. I turn around in a flash and I can see a Shadow just in Time as it goes around the Corner. I was a bit shaken, but hurriedly collected the Data and wanted to go back up and just leave the Basement alone for tonight.

As I walk upstairs again I hear this charging Footsteps again. But this time from two directions. One from behind and one from upstairs. I have enough and charge upstairs myself. As I reach the Top of the Stairs I slightly turn around and only see a massive Shadow half way up the Stairs. I run back to the Control Room and shut the Door. Then I remember. I had the AC turned ON. That means there shouldn’t be ANY Fume Concentration high enough to cause this kind of Hallucinations. I shake. This time for real. I stand up and ponder if I should check the AC downstairs or wait it out. As I stand before the Door to leave the Controll Room I hear Footsteps behind the Door. Quiet Footsteps, but definitely Footsteps. I made my Decision to not be a Hero and just wait for the next Shift.

Later the next Shift came and I told them about my Nightshift. They first laughed it off and said that probably the AC was shitty again. I laughed with them and agreed even though I didn’t completely agree with the arguement of a broken AC.

The next two Days I had Weekend and I forgot about it. Then the next Monday I arrive for my Early Shift and I chat a bit with the Guys from the Nightshift. My “Experience” comes up again and I begin to laugh like a few Days ago, but my Co-workers didn’t. I asked them why.

Well well well. As it turned out the AC was completely fine. But what made my Experience really, really Scary was something else. Our neighboring Department which produces this Fumes wasn’t running. Because of a lack of Customers they didn’t have all the lines active for the Year and at my Nightshift they had ALL Production Lanes turned off. That means they could never produce these Fumes, which means whatever I saw there wasn’t Hallucinations caused by the Fumes but something else.

Whatever I saw and heard in that Basement was real. No Hallucinations like many experienced all the Time. No I just had experienced something that scared EVERYONE. My Co-Workers are now also cautious of the Basement and the Manager of the Incineration Plant reported this to the Higher Ups. They started an Investigation a two weeks ago, but till now didn’t find a logical Cause how this Noises and Shadows were created and neither found a Solution. They now plan to repair this Pipes ASAP and in the next week we will install Cameras and Sensors to find out what happens in the Basement.

Thank you for reading my long Story.