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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/kidgalaxy19 on 2024-09-18 00:09:00+00:00.

This is a true experience, one of many - but I’ll start with this unexplained experience that got my husband to start believing that there is something else out there that we can’t explain.

Back in 2021, my husband and I went on a couple’s trip with a group of 8 other friends to the mountains of Gatlinburg, Tennessee for the weekend.

We drove the four hours, made it to the cabin, got all settled. While we were waiting for the last couple to arrive (who were bringing their kids), we ended up deciding to not wait, and go out to dinner about 20 minutes up the road from our cabin. We took two cars; me (A), my husband (M), L & J in mine - and Z, E, D & C in the other.

Z, E, D & C left ahead of us, and we trailed behind. I was driving a 2011 Subaru outback at the time, and my phone was mounted on one of the cabin fan/blowers. We were chatting, having a great time catching up, listening to the music on low.

Halfway to the restaurant, we get a call from our friend Y. I turned the music off, I hit accept on the call, with everyone in the car yelling their “hello”s… and all the sudden we hear a woman screaming, crying and pleading “NO! STOP! DONT DO THIS!” with more crying, screaming and begging as we immediately fall silent.

Everyone in the car flies into a panic; me and my husband, scrambling to put the phone on speaker, everyone yelling out her name “Y?! Y!!!”

Then the screaming cuts off, like the call ended, and our friend Y comes through the phone, calm and collected with a “hey guys, we just made it to the cabin!”

We are all still yelling and asking her if she’s OK, and she responds in a confused voice that they are all fine and they just made it in, but needed the door code.

We explain to her that we just heard crying and screaming, and we thought that she was getting murdered or attacked, to which she let us know that “no… we’re doing fine,” - her kids aren’t freaking out and they are doing great.

We give her the code and finish up the call in shock. We all heard that. It sounded too real, and Y has never played games like that.

The rest of the car ride we are all freaking out and trying to rationalize it; to think of what - or who - that could’ve possibly been.

In the parking lot, explaining the weird occurrence to our friends who made it there before us, an ambulance drives by with its siren and lights on, back the way we came.

Could it have been a weird frequency we picked up on somebody actually getting hurt? Did something hijack the phone call? Whatever it was, it thoroughly freaked us all out… And our only explanation is paranormal.