A person will eat this and later preach to vegans dietary advice
Literally cat food tbh
Damn didn’t know gta6 was so far along
This is the last strike, I had enough. From now on, I am a tankie
Successfully radicalised
Ham isn’t vegan…?
I think their point was that the person will eat a literal cube and then tell vegans that their food isn’t nutritional.
I wasn’t reminding them that ham isn’t vegan, I was referencing “chicken isn’t vegan?” from Scott Pilgrim.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World (2010), pretty weird and original movie based on a comic book series. I recommend.
Are we at the point where that movie’s no longer a cultural touchstone? Fuck I’m old.
To be fair, it’s been 14 years. Time spares no one.
Is this a roast? Am I being roasted? But it’s okay, I give my consent. And that makes me (my meat) vegan 😌
Only bacon is
My MIL is a lifelong vegetarian who eats bacon, because “bacon is a condiment.”
Never let ideology get in the way of practicality. I like your MIL.
I’ve got friends who are flexitarians, they’ll eat meat every few months when going out with friends, this way they aren’t limiting the group if they want to try a specific restaurant.
I never quite understood why you have to go full vegan or not. I’m pretty much vegan, but when i’m on a bbq for example and they have three more chicken wings that get thrown away because no one wants them, i eat them, no problem. Same in a restaurant that doesn’t really have a vegan alternative. But i would never buy meat or meat products to cook at home, because i always prefer the alternative
You don’t, and cutting down on meat eating by any amount helps. “Meatless Mondays” and other similar memes are good ways to introduce vegetarian possibilities to people raised on meat-mandatory diets.
My ex was very strict vegetarian except for meat they purchased themselves from an ethical butcher they had vetted.
This is the only way we’re gonna convince people to eat less fucking meat all the god damn time.
TIL I’m a lifelong vegan!
how does she define “condiment”?
I’ve never asked, but generally it’s something you put on your main food items to add flavor. She does require that it’s crumbled, and crispy. Bacon bits essentially, but she prefers the real ones to the fake ones. It’s not like she eats bacon every day.
oh okay that’s pretty reasonable. i forgot about bacon bits
That same person shares it with their cat however, so it’s a mixed bag
The amount of sodium in ham is likely toxic to cats
Careful, you’re pointing out that cats have different nutritional needs than humans. We don’t tolerate that shit around here /s
You sure that isn’t just an eraser? 🤔
Meat eraser
That’s the name of my metal band…
Yeah, if you like something don’t learn about how it’s done, just think god gave it to you like that. If you think about it you ain’t gonna eat anything anymore. Everything we buy is either very disgusting or involve some kind of torture/slavery (human or not). So either don’t think or think a lot and only eat from your own garden. (fyi I live in a flat so I can’t have a garden)
All meat is processed by definition
The list of unprocessed meat we eat is fairly short, I can only think of oysters.
Really depends on where you draw the line on processing I guess.
Cooking? Killing? Seasoning?
There’s a popular dish in Thailand; กุ้งเต้น Goong Dten “Dancing Shrimp”; made of tiny whole live shrimp seasoned with lime and chilies.
Arguably less processed than a raw oyster
Also, arguably more processed than a raw oyster.I think puritans will say unprocessed is live unseasoned.
I have tried raw oysters once and found that they are only palatable when cooked, as swallowing a ball of slime was not easy, and lemon did not help at all.
only if you byte through the shell
Opening the shell does nothing to what’s inside. I wouldn’t call that processing of the meat.
Now I am imagining otters working in a meat processing plant.
Isn’t the shell kept closed by “the meat”? By opening it you are cutting through their muscles. Being stabbed is quite a process.
So is living. If you’re going to be that pedantic no unprocessed food can possibly exist.
Sure, but there’s a world of difference between a steak and a slice of Billy Bear mystery meat.
Even my meat am I right
There are different degrees of processing. The “meat” mentioned here is ultra-processed garbage. Cutting out and grilling a steak is similar to digging out, peeling and cooking a potato.
It’s the difference between a whole, cooked potato and Pringles.
Aren’t Pringle’s even made of corn flour primarily? But yeah, that’s another good example.
Edit: got me curious, looked it up myself. Short: no, almost [sic!] half of them is potatos and it’s wheat starch, not corn.
Who wrote this? Ill buy your book
Reminds me of the writing of David wrong / Jason pargin who wrote the John dies at the ends series of books.
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Somehow, though, when it’s pan-fried in teriyaki sauce and put over rice, it becomes delicious. Musubi gang wya
That’s spam though, right? This is different. Somehow worse. I used to love to cook spam and rice in college. Throw in some frozen veggies and you’re half way to a decent meal.
Oh, is that not spam in the pic? Thought it was, my bad!
It’s a deli ham. It’s typically sliced extremely thin and put into sandwichs
Alrighty, yup that’s nasty. Didn’t know they came in cubes
The food i give my dog smells way better than that.
The secret is to not smell it
Also not to taste it.
Mayo helps
Now, with Listeria! ™️ –for that sparkling fresh digestive tract!–
Listeria is in high demand these days
Blue Bell and Boar’s Head, here I come!
What’s so unholy about it tho
ham hammer hammerst
Yeah the Bible has specific rules about eating pig
Ham haram
It’s also not kosher and Christians really aren’t supposed to eat it either they just don’t give a shit about what the Bible says
Jesus died so I wouldn’t have to read all that.
“Don’t give a shit about the repressive stuff” was kind of Jesus’ vibe anyways
Christians regularly ignore the 10 commandments, the most basic of rules in their religion. Of course they’ll ignore the stuff that means they can’t eat tasty pork
Side question: the US you don’t have ham made from a single piece of meat?
In my country that is the norm for ham, an abomination like that has no market. The only similar to it is something like “low fat chicken ham” (not actually called ham on the box as it would be false advertising)
Yes, we have that as well.
I’m not in the US. Can’t tell you.
But I do like the look of that meat right there. Fantastic.
Product of Denmark
Hello, danish ham! The danes really know what they’re doing.
Actually it has a fair bit of fat.
And likely a fair bit of bone and connective tissue, but it’s all been processed and homogenized.
Just like my chicken nuggies
I was gonna say has this person ever had Spam? It’s borderline volatile because it’s like 60% water and fat.
is the liquify and emulsion part true?