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The original was posted on /r/guildwars2 by /u/AutumnOctavia on 2024-08-29 13:33:04+00:00.

Working Bathtub.


Bathtub Build Xray.

Build instructions.

Bathtub: To make a bathtub you can soak in you will need 2 “Kodan Stool”, 1 “Tranquil Birdbath”, 5 Kodan Cottage Wall (small), and 1 “Kodan cottage wall”.

Place 2 "Kodan stool"s on the floor. Next place a maxed sized “Tranquil Birdbath” between the 2 kodan stools and use the blue arrow on the move object tool to move the birdbath into the ground so birdbath bowl sits on the stools. Test sit on the stools and adjust as needed. Cover the tub with a max sized “Kodan Cottage Wall (small)” so that the wall is allowing just the top of the birdbath to show. Place a Use a “Kodan cottage wall” as a backsplash. Use small Kodan Cottage walls around the edge to hide any seams and blend in with the homestead walls.

Sink and Toilet

Sink: For the sink you will need 1 “Elonian Wood Table” and 1 “Tranquil Birdbath”

Place the “Elonian Wood Table” on the floor. Next place the “Tranquil Birdbath” centered on the table. Use the move object’s blue arrow to sink the birdbath into the table top to your liking. Once again don’t worry about the birdbath column it will look like plumbing.

Hey get that camera out of here!

Toilet: To make a toilet you can sit on you will need 1 “Guild Stool” and 1 “Tranquil Birdbath”.Toilet: To make a toilet you can sit on you will need 1 “Guild Stool” and 1 “Tranquil Birdbath”.

Place the Guild Stool on the floor and then place the “Tranquil Birdbath” centered on the Guild Stool. Use the move object tool’s blue arrow to sink the Birdbath into the stool so the bowl of the birdbath is nearly flush with the stool’s seat. Don’t worry about the birdbath’s column it will look like plumbing. Do a test sit and adjust the heights and sizes as you want for your characters.

Furnished bathroom. Note the gold floor is "A Day in Kryta" picture upside down and enlarged.


Stove burners

Left burner on right burner off

Stove burners: To make stove burners, aka stove eyes, with working flames that are able to be turned on and off you will need 2 “Ceramic Planter” and 2 “Obstacle: Red Torch” and a surface you want to place them in. In this example we will be using a “Kodan Kitchen Hearth” but lots of surfaces should work.

Place the surface you want to use as a stovetop where you want it first. Place a “Ceramic planter” upside down and sink it into the surface of the stovetop so only the bottom of the planter is sticking out. Place all the stove burners you want and position accordingly. Next use the move object ability to select your stove surface and use the blue arrow to raise the stove above the pots so you will not accidently delete your stovetop while building. Now place a “Obstacle: Red Torch” centered on top of the ceramic planter’s bottom, use move object’s blue arrow to move the torch so its top is hidden just below the ceramic planters bottom and fix it in place. Stop decorating and test with the interact key that the torch toggles on and off if it does not you placed the torch too far below the surface or upside down, so adjust the torch till it fires. With everything set in place grab the stovetop surface and use just the blue arrow to move it back down in place.

Stove Build Xray

Water Heater covering the mess.

Optional Hot Water Heater: To build a Hot water heater you will need 1 Keg, and 1 Firepit. If you build a bathroom on the top floor of your homestead the birdbath and floor of the tub will stick through the bottom floors top. To cover this up place a Keg standing on its ends, preferably with the keg’s feet touching a wall, so that the keg covers up the bottom of the birdbath’s column. Place a firepit below the keg to “heat” the water in the keg. Leave some birdbath column showing out of the top of the barrel for a plumbing pipe look.

Update: After talking with RentableRedditor below I did some experiementing. Yes you can make the tub into a hottub with heat effects.

Hot Tub: In addition to everything needed for the bathtub you will need 1 “Obstacle Lava floor” or 1 “Obstacle Wide Lava floor”, wither option will have to be shrunk while placing. To add to a bathtub use the move tool’s blue arrow to move the “Kodan Cottage wall” floor up. Shrink the lava floor and adjust it to your liking below the birdbaths top. Too high and the water will glow like lava, too low and heating effect will barely show. The bigger you make the lava floor the bigger the haze effect will be so djust to taste. When you have the desired effect you want use the move tool’s blue arrow to move the Kodan cottage wall floor back into place.

Lava Floor trap added for heat vapor effect.

Hot Tub Time machine.

Hard to capture the effect in still pics. Looks great in game.