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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Mother_of_Pearl21 on 2024-07-04 04:11:57+00:00.

So I was talking to my super Mormon parents tonight, about pioneer trek. I basically said I think it’s weird that the church does trek, and makes the youth relive all the hardships and tragedies of the Mormon pioneers. I am a millennial, and I was always taught how hard the pioneers had it and the immense sacrifice and suffering they went through, etc. stuff like burying children, starving, etc.

My parents immediately started correcting me, saying that’s a fallacy and a lie, the pioneers actually loved when they did, they had a great time, and many said they would do it again. My mom said they were all young 20-somethings and it was like a giant YSA activity for them basically. (They acknowledged the Martin Willie handcart company and how a tiny few had tragedy) but for the most part, the pioneers loved it and it’s false information that it was a huge sacrifice and full of suffering to cross the plains.

Am I crazy? Does anyone have knowledge about this? This is the first time I’ve heard this about the pioneers. I feel a little gaslit by my parents but I recognize maybe I’m misinformed about the pioneers? I’ve never heard Mormons saying this before and I’m curious if anyone else has.