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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/shoeflake on 2024-07-03 20:46:18+00:00.

I felt like punishing myself today so I read through this document, that explains the church’s arguments with the temple and RLUIPA:

Basically, they are arguing that every aspect of the temple is a religious act guided directly by God through the prophet. Since the first presidency signed off on where it was to be built, that’s an act of God and a religious observance. Since the first presidency signed off on a steeple, well that’s an act of God and a religious observance. What if the first presidency wanted to plant an invasive species next to the temple foyer since it looks pretty? Well by golly, that’s an act of God, and a religious observance. Ok, Ok, I get it, if the first presidency wants it, then it’s an act of God, and all nations must bow down to make it happen, laws, rules, and nature be damned. Sweet, I understand.

Now think about the the fraudulent forms the church/Ensign Peak submitted to the SEC to hide their 100 billion+ dollars. Now Mormons argue that God has nothing to do with the first presidency or church processes. “Oh, these were just lawyers and brokers that messed up.” “Oh, the first presidency and God doesn’t really deal with that stuff, they aren’t accountable” - Yeah. no. If the first presidency signed off on it, which THEY DID, then as Mormons have established above in their arguments about the temple…by golly, lying to the SEC was an act of God, and a religious observance.

If God is directing every minor detail of the temple through the first presidency, then God was directing every minor detail of the SEC scandal too. You can’t claim God is leading every aspect of the temple, but wasn’t informed about fraud occurring to the SEC. The only consistent pattern here is that the first presidency wants to break the local laws and regulations of Fairview, TX, and break SEC reporting laws. I guess the Mormon God is a bad boy. Or maybe, the first presidency are bad men. Who knows.

Cool. Rant over. I got to go back to enjoying my life.