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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Always_Growing5337 on 2024-07-03 18:01:14+00:00.

Hi friends. This is a really difficult post to make. I’m a divorced, single mother with a wonderful little girl and a great co-parenting relationship with her dad. I was seeing a guy (not for very long) and just found out that I’m pregnant. When I found out and told him, he told me that he ejaculated partially in me although I made it clear and he knew to pull out. If I had known I would’ve taken a plan b, I should have and I know I was irresponsible. He’s moving out of state and there’s no possibility of pursuing a relationship with him and he wants me to end the pregnancy. If I were to keep the baby, he said he would not be involved whatsoever, which I actually feel okay with other than the harmful emotional effects of growing up without a dad.

I’m completely torn. On one hand, I don’t want to have a baby, I’m terrified to do it by myself and have to explain what happened to my daughter and complicate our lives during a time we already have so many other things going on. It’s still very early so it would just be taking a pill to miscarry. I feel like it’s my burden to carry, not my daughter’s or my family’s or even the potential baby, and that I should do what truly makes most sense in this situation. If I were further along I don’t think I could do it at all.

On the other hand, I’m finding it really difficult to shake the morality behind ending a pregnancy. Although I know it would create a mountain of struggles to raise a child without a father in the picture, I still wonder if it’s the “right” thing to do. The morally correct thing. I think I could financially handle it, I’m self-employed and make pretty decent money. I’ve scheduled a few therapy appointments and I plan on going for the next several years, I know I’ll need help working through this. So maybe emotionally I could handle it. I know my family would support me and I am the type of woman to step up and do what’s necessary. The baby would be loved and cared for. I’m mostly worried about what this option would do to my daughter though.

Can anyone help me? I don’t have many people I can turn to right now as my family is very strict LDS. Much love and appreciation for this community. 🤍