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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Xyrack on 2024-07-03 17:26:49+00:00.

I’m a nevermo but was raised by my non-practicing mormon (for lack of a better term) grandmother in Utah. I moved to the east coast when I was around 11. I’m now in my late 20’s. Backstory done.

I was just cleaning my apartment because I’m having friends over later and it occured to me that most of my friends dont seem to care if we see their apartment dirty. I was raised with this unspoken expectation of projecting perfection in your own home, it always has to be immaculate. Under no circumstances can you allow people to know that you generate filth of any kind.

I thought this was just a normal human thing but seeing how my friends seem not care im suddenly wondering if its a cultural thing. I was wondering if this is a Mormon thing, a Midwestern values thing, maybe I’m just from a family of OCD neat freaks, or maybe I’m just friends with a bunch of slobs. Thoughts?