Jason Koebler / 404 Media: Researchers in Rabbit R1’s jailbreaking community say Rabbit left critical API keys hardcoded in its code, which would let hackers use Rabbit’s internal systems  —  Members of a community focused on jailbreaking and reverse engineering the Rabbit R1 AI assistant device say that Rabbit left …

  • @draughtcyclist@lemmy.world
    63 days ago

    Is anyone surprised? They also said it was built from the ground up, then got outed as an android device. This is lipstick on a pig.

  • @Cort@lemmy.world
    23 days ago

    Wow, they’re going for $125 on eBay right now. I’d consider getting one to play around with, but I saw the bringus video on running stock android. It’s just not there yet, and there’s no way to bring back the stock OS