It’s why his support base holds strong despite his government’s more egregious actions.

    1 year ago

    In my personal experience, the support for Modi is three-pronged.
    The first is the Brahmin support base, who support Modi because they support RSS and they both see Modi & BJP as tools to restore Brahminism and Brahminical patriarchy. They’re patient and are humoring BJP till their goal is reached. Till then, they’ll do their best to create strife while keeping their hands clean.
    The second is the corporate/bania support base, who only care about making profit and see ROI in supporting a pol. party that will allow them to get away with loot & murder. They’re making hay now and don’t want their sun to set.
    The third are the useful idiots, who don’t understand that their lives & futures are being ruined and are happy as long as they get to oppress & be monstrous to those weaker than themselves. These are the bulk, they provide the noise & the violence.

    There is more fear, paranoia, and hatred in Hindus since 2014 than in years before,all of it created and supported by BJP using state resources. And the oppression this has unleashed has created fear, anger, and hatred in non-Hindus.