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The original was posted on /r/europe by /u/RealToiletPaper007 on 2024-03-23 00:41:03.

Translated— Telegram, the most popular alternative instant messaging application to WhatsApp, will be blocked in Spain on a precautionary basis by order of the judge of the National Court, Santiago Pedraz, as a result of a complaint filed by Mediaset, Antena 3 and Movistar, who accused the application of hosting copyrighted content without permission.

At the time of publishing this article, the messaging application continues to operate normally, but it is expected that the service will cease to be operational in the coming hours, once the telecommunications companies carry out the block imposed by the National Court.

As explained in Telecinco, the National Court would have asked Telegram for information about the alleged audiovisual content hosted without permission on the platform, owned by the companies that have filed the complaint: EGEDA, Atresmedia, Mediaset and Movistar. Since the administrators of the social network would not have given a response to the request of the magistrate, he has opted to order the blocking as a precautionary measure while the investigation continues.

For the moment, Telegram has not commented on the blocking.