By employed I mean get a job in the industry either offline or online. Ideally something that would highly likely remain in-demand in the near future.

    7 months ago

    It’s a really bad time to get into it as a noob, especially self taught. There are jobs, but there’s also alot of downsizing and layoffs in an already fairly saturated industry. Even lower end stuff right now you’ll probably be up against people with certs, degrees, job experience.

    If you’re legitimately interested in IT and want to learn more on your own, you should! Find what interests you the most, and there will be a million resources available free and cheap. I don’t think it’s a good time to put all your career eggs in that basket though like it sounds you’re thinking.

    Honestly, if you’re trying for zero to money, AFAIK trades are still hurting. Maybe look into trade programs at your local community College. It’s not a cushy lazy white collar job but you’d potentially make similar or better money because everyone for 20 years has been clamoring for cushy lazy white collar jobs.