• GhostTheToast@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Yeah, but to me that seems worst. If the fascist comes to power by a slim a majority, it’s these ‘honorable’ citizens to blame. Voting is a simple act that holds tons of power. I’m not gonna say that one vote could change the tide, but the past two elections have been slim where key voters in certain states can certainly change the outcome of the election.

    If you want to change the system, you don’t fix it by throwing your hands up and say ‘I don’t want to play anymore’. You fix it by voting and pestering the fuck out of your representatives to change the laws.

    • Numberone@startrek.website
      5 months ago

      I don’t think that’s right. At least most of the blame should go onto the party that refuses to govern, rigs elections against anyone who isn’t their chosen meat puppet, and whose leader is supporting literal genocide. You can throw some of that shame down on the little people, but you’re really wasting your time if that’s where you’re punching.

      Wanting to change the system? Just vote blue isn’t how you do it (I don’t know how to do it, but voting blue obviously hasn’t worked). The incentives are so weak for the dems to change, that I really don’t even know how you can justify that second paragraph as reasonable. Voting doesn’t make change, paying lobbyists does.

      My cope is that maybe some of these elites stop losing their jobs when they fail election after election and we get someone new in there. But then these are Democrats, they don’t learn ANYTHING ever, so that’s all it is. Cope.