Prosecutors will seek the death penalty for the white supremacist who killed 10 Black people at a Buffalo supermarket.

    286 months ago

    Even a single innocent person getting murdered by the state makes the practice barbaric. The state is imperfect. It should not have a license to murder.

    • LanternEverywhere
      326 months ago

      We’re all in agreement, but as OP said, this
      particular person isn’t the time to make your stand on. We’ve all been vocally against the death penalty for a long time, but this specific person is not the one to make an especially strong “this is the line, no further” kind of stand for. I’m against him being killed like I’m against all cases of the government killing prisoners, but I’m also not doing any extra standing up for this particular person.

        26 months ago

        ‘it’s not perfect so we can’t’ is absolutely not the ‘dumbest fucking’ argument if we are talking about actual human lives.

        16 months ago

        Something tells me you wouldn’t be espousing this “it’s fine for the state to murder innocent people from time to time” if it were you, your partner, or your child on death row.

        What a disgustingly callous attitude.

    • Moira_Mayhem
      -136 months ago

      The root of all of a state’s power is the right to employ violence. It is a barbaric practice but to be fair we are a barbaric species.

      Some people should not be allowed to curse the earth with their existence.