Not a remake or remaster or rerelease of something old, but something inspired or influenced by something either popular or a cult classic. Also this could extend to hardware/tech too, not only media.

  • @0x4E4F
    7 months ago

    OK, I tried loading the library on Audacious x86, no dice 😔…

    ERROR ../src/libaudcore/ [plugin_load]: /usr/lib32/audacious/Input/ could not be loaded: /usr/lib32/audacious/Input/ undefined symbol: xmms_cfg_open_file

    It’s just way too old, support for XMMS and everything GTK+ related was dropped a loooong time ago 😔. Maybe with some sort of a wrapper… IDK… maybe it could work… have no idea where to start though…

    Oh well, back to using Winamp 5.24 with Wine I guess 🤷‍♀️.