Is everyone just using AI and not proof reading? I see this a lot lately. Even Tom’s Guide has bad editing, a good example is this article:

Most notably, the display looks set to shrink from 6.3 inches to 5.8 inches


The Pixel 8’s screen is rumored to measure 6.17 inches, down from 6.31 inches.

It’s like they’re just grabbing from other articles and cramming together or adding content to old news now vs analyzing and forming opinions. With all the LMG drama lately, I had hoped written news would take note. Maybe I’m just too picky.

    10 months ago

    Actually I think journalistic quality has degraded overall. Not just in technical sites.

    The BBC here in the UK I generally counted on well written (if not always technically accurate) articles.

    Over the last 10 years or so (maybe longer) this has degraded to articles which have clearly not been proof read.

    I put it down to the fact that they need to put out so much content now that proper proof reading isn’t possible. I also think in general there’s a reliance on spell and grammar checking in software.

    • 🇰 🔵 🇱 🇦 🇳 🇦 🇰 ℹ️
      10 months ago

      Journalism in general has been in a steady decline since the death of printed media. The last time I remember reading any kind of news worth a shit about anything other than current world wide events, was back when magazines and newspapers were the primary source of new info. Other than political and world wide events, which I can get free from the sources every paid website draws from in the first place, hobbiest journalism is also on decline and I don’t typically see news outlets for a lot of hobbies even having a subscription option.